Category Archives: Garden Skies


Turner moment_1

Spectacular vista! The garden is abuzz in glorious revery. Nothing to be accomplished, nowhere to go. Sit down or join in the dance, there is no path to be followed, you’ve never left, we’ve awaited your return. Dry your eyes, it was only a dream.


With warm gratitude to Bob O’Hearn, a brillant writer and constant inspiration.


This image was captured 5 years ago on July 4, 2009. I hiked to the top of the hill behind the hacienda and I had the overwhelming sensation that if I could just go a few feet higher I could actually reach out and touch this delightful Strato Cumulus cloud. It was right there!

Postcard From Nowhere

Postcard-from-nowhereParked in traffic coming back from Vegas a couple of years ago and looked off to the south to behold this spectacular vista. I might have missed this had we been flying along at 80mph. Sometimes we need to force ourselves to slow down in order to see the world as it truly is.

Moving Inland



Pay attention now.

See how much of waking life is spent removed from the present.

Lost in thought constructions, my own, and those constructed by others.

Unreal, yet so all absorbing it becomes my reality, my normal.

Illusion, self created self, consciousness.

Shhh, be still now.

Who is watching?

Just this now and nothing more.

Enter from here.

~ Jeff’s Zen Garden

Southern’s Sunset 11/1/14

SouthernsSunset11_1_14My Uncle, Southern Calvin Courtney passed on this morning. Southern was born in 1927 and lived 87 full and energetic years. He was an avid hiker and was familiar with every trail in the Sierra Nevada and Angeles Crest. Now he has moved on to his last adventure, into high country, whereabouts unknown. Happy trails my friend.

I shot this sunset, looking west from the hacienda this evening, November 1st, 2014.